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  • a

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    Defines a hyperlink






The HTML <a> tag is a fundamental element used to create hyperlinks, allowing users to navigate between different web pages, files, or sections of the same document.

The primary function of the <a> (anchor) tag is to define a hyperlink, which can link to a variety of destinations, such as external websites, email addresses, or specific parts of the same page using fragment identifiers. The href attribute is commonly used to specify the link's destination.

In addition to navigation, the `<a>` tag can also include several other attributes such as `target`, which defines how the linked document is displayed (e.g., in a new tab or window), and `rel`, which provides relationship information about the linked URL.

For developers, understanding the various attributes of the `<a>` tag is critical, as it enhances user experience, accessibility, and SEO performance. It remains one of the most essential tags in HTML for building user-friendly and well-structured web applications.


href, target, rel, download, hreflang, type, ping, referrerpolicy, media


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Using the <a> tag to connect to an external website.
<a href="http://www.allthehtmltags.com">Visit allthehtmltags.com!</a>

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