< All the HTML Tags >


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  • slot

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    Tag Category


    Defines a slot in web components






The HTML <slot> tag is part of the Web Components standard and is used to create a placeholder in a web component where external content can be inserted.

By defining a slot within a custom element, developers can specify where child elements should be rendered. This allows for greater flexibility and reusability of components, as users can pass different content into the slots defined in a component.

The `<slot>` tag can be used in conjunction with the `<template>` tag, allowing developers to create dynamic, modular web applications. Named slots enable more control, as multiple slots can be defined, allowing for specific content to be placed in designated areas of the component. Overall, the `<slot>` tag enhances the encapsulation and interoperability of web components, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.


name, Global attributes (e.g., class, id, style)


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Default slot Example:

Using the <slot> tag in a web component.
<slot>Content Slot</slot>

Default slot Result:

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Community Examples:

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